Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chalk and Wire/Teacher Licensure Lecture

I am really grateful that we had this lecture! I feel like at times I am completely lost in knowing what we have to do as education majors, but this lecture just gave us everything, which was a little overwhelming but at least we know!

Regarding the Chalk and Wire aspect of the lecture, I felt that it just sounded like another thing I would have to pay for, remember, and learn how to do while at Luther College. However, I do think it will have benefits. It seems like everything is really organized and laid out so I will know what I have to fulfill to complete this online portfolio. I hope we can still have a hard copy of our portfolio because sometimes keeping stuff just on the computer makes me a little nervous, from past experiences.

Now to the Teaching License part of the lecture. First, I think that Jennifer should NEVER retire. She seems very knowledgeable about what she does and very helpful. I don't know what the Luther Ed. Department would do without her or the Luther Ed. students. I liked how she gave us most or all of the information that is important to us for our majors. It seems very overwhelming and scary because we have now less than 3 years to finish it all.

I thought the lecture was very helpful and both ladies did a very nice job at presenting their information. Hopefully we all of us can figure it all out!

1 comment:

Associate Professor of Education, Luther College said...


I am pleased that the presentations about Chalk and Wire and licensure requirements were helpful. I couldn't agree more that Jennifer and Erin are very valuable to our department.

Do be sure to comment on each of your group members' blogs.
