Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Article in class about Multiple Intelligences

In class, I read the article titled, "It's No Fad: Fifteen Years of Implementing Multiple Intelligences" by Thomas R. Hoerr. I found this article to be really interesting because it kind of compares "old school" teaching with "modern" teaching, or that's the way I took it. It was the article that listed the intelligences and had famous people who were evidence of the intelligence listed.
The Multiple Intelligences schools (MI schools) have the theory that "the job of an educator...becomes identifying the ways in which children exhibit intelligence and using their particular strengths to help them learn." The article also talked about a school that included Intrapersonal Intelligence and Interpersonal Intelligence on the report card. These two intelligences "addressed areas such as motivation, confidence, problem solving, responsibility, effort, work habits...appreciation for diversity, and teamwork."

I think that MI seems to be a good thing to keep in your mind while teaching. I still think that children need to learn the reading, writing, math, etc. concepts, but there are many ways you can teach these ideas. All students are different in how they learning and this is where MI could come in, but I don't think it should show up on report cards. The two intelligences that I talked about above seem like they could possibly fit into personality categories and I don't think they should be graded on areas such as these. I think these areas are really important to work on but not be graded on. Talking about these areas with the student and parents is a good idea, but putting it on the report card seems too official.

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