Thursday, February 18, 2010

Trading Schools....Is it the teachers, money, or expectations?

Watching this video about students from an inner city school and students from a suburb school switch schools for a day, a million questions run through one's mind. How can public schools be this different one half hour away? Are the teachers inadequate in inner city schools? Should we be pouring more money into inner schools and less into well established schools? Trying to answer these questions is near impossible but watching the video, all I could think about was the expectations of the society, the parents, community, teachers, administrators, and of the students. With a graduation rate of 40 percent at the inner city school and a ninety some percent rate at the suburb schools expectations are different. It would seem that society puts an expectation for the students in the suburbs that it isn't a questions whether they graduate. For students in the inner city it may be that students skip school and do not try because education isn't emphasized to be a top priority. Also the teachers may have different expectations for students. In inner cities, goals and expectations may be to get students to come to class or to not misbehave during a lesson. So how do we go about changing society's, parent's, and teaching expectations in our schools?

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